Acupuncture Now - Ruislip, Ickenham, Eastcote, Uxbridge Hillingdon
Keeping Covid safe
SAFE PRACTICE PROTOCOL: To assure the safety of all involved, I have worked out a safe practice routine. All patients will be required to make note of the points raised before attending, so please read it through here
Do not attend if you have been diagnosed with or show any symptoms of Covid-19. You also need to be clear from any symptoms for at least 14 days: fever, persistent cough, loss of sense of smell/taste
Do not attend if you have been in contact with a person diagnosed with Covid-19 within the last 14 days and you are self-isolating
Do not attend if you are advised by the Government to shield, i.e. if you belong to any of the very vulnerable groups adhering to full quarantine rules and have received a letter to do so.
Regularly disinfect everyday equipment which comes into contact with your hands before your arrival: mobile phone, keys, bank cards, car steering wheel…
Attend appointments alone
Preferably travel alone by foot/bike or car. Avoid public transport
If possible, put on a clean mask upon arrival. Please also check the WHO guidelines in favour of wearing masks.
Ring the bell to the side of the back gate and wait for me to open the gate to allow you to enter
Allow me to open/close doors. You will enter the practice using the back door.
On arrival, you will answer a few screening questions before entering and will then be asked to wash your hands. Try not to touch your face afterwards and apply alcohol gel if you do need to do so. Your temperature may also be taken – unfortunately a high temperature will mean no treatment will be possible.
Bring along your own large bath towel (and any extra towels if having used them before, for instance for lower back support), and only put it down in the designated area in the treatment room.
If coughing or sneezing, please do so in the crux of your elbow
Pay electronically or via bank transfer and book next appt
If you are diagnosed with Covid-19 within 14 days after leaving the clinic of your last appointment, please notify the clinic immediately
Putting all the measures in place has led to increased costs per patient, often being forced to acquire equipment at inflated prices. To contribute in a small part towards that, I will be adding a £1 surcharge temporarily. Apologies for the inconvenience.
You will be given a consent form to sign on arrival. I will have discussed this with you in the consultation call.