Acupuncture Now - Ruislip, Ickenham, Eastcote, Uxbridge Hillingdon
How often will I need treatment?
There are no set number of treatments as everyone recovers at different rates. Some patients only require 1 or 2 treatments, others commit themselves to 4 or 5 sessions, usually on a weekly basis, and then review progress.
Where Acupuncture makes a difference most patients opt to return on a monthly or seasonal basis to maintain their health.
Is it safe?
Acupuncture has a very good track record. All of the needles used are sterile, single-use and disposable. The needles are much smaller than those used for injections and do not cause discomfort during insertion. The sensation is more like pins and needles or a dull ache, if anything is felt. Although rare, minor bruises may appear on the insertion points. Mild sensations of light-headedness or tiredness can also occur, but all of these things are short lived. If a patient has a phobia of needles a course of acupressure is suggested. The technique involved is similar to Acupuncture but uses fingers, hands, thumbs, elbows etc… to manipulate the points instead of needles.
What is your cancellation policy?
If you are unable to attend your appt I operate a 24 hour cancellation policy and failure to cancel or rearrange before the 24 hours will result in the loss of treatment and a charge of the full cost of treatment.
Mylene - I can't thank Teresa enough for all she has done for me during my IVF journey. She was amazing in every aspect. She always took the time to listen and to understand everything I was going through. IT wasn't easy and I used to feel so anxious but after every session I felt so good and very relaxed. Teresa was always extremely kind professional and very positive. She has treated me during the entire time, from beginning of IVF until the week before I gave birth to my beautiful daughter. Without a doubt I would highly recommend her. Thanks again for all your service and support, you were brilliant.
Deborah - Concerned about my health and suffering from insomnia and headaches, Teresa has been able to help me to see how some of my lifestyle choices were contributing to my symptoms. Her amazingly relaxing Acupuncture treatments led to better sleep within 2 treatments and Teresa's insightful and caring manner helped me to see how I could also help myself to better health.
Tess - I cannot thank Teresa enough for her support and assistance throughout our fertility journey. Thanks to Teresa and her expertise we were able to conceive our baby boy - something I had given up hope on! I met Teresa in Feb 2020 and discussed our issues. We started a treatment plan which helped me to relax and focus on my goals. I always worried about needles and pain but honestly felt nothing but relaxation during our sessions.In sept 2020 I found out I was pregnant and gave birth to our son in May 2021. Thank you Teresa for everything. I'm so pleased I came to you. For anyone reading this and considering acupuncture for fertility purposes I would highly recommend Teresa
Jane - In the past 18 months I lost my husband and brother and had been feeling low and very anxious. I wasn't sleeping and my digestion was giving me uncomfortable symptoms. Seeing Teresa and having acupuncture has helped me to sleep better and reduced my stomach pains, I also found the treatments extremely relaxing
Geraldine - I had acupuncture done with Teresa recently and I would highly recommend her. She is very through and professional and explains everything about the treatment. I felt really relaxed and my sciatica has definetely improved. Thank you Teresa